The Two Most Important Shifts That Grew My Online Business This Year

The Two Most Important Shifts That Grew My Online Business This Year

Tulum, Mexico - Two Important Shifts That Grew My Business This Year - Ally Archer

“What your life looks like now is a result of the work you put in a year ago.”

I saw this quote somewhere (maybe Pinterest?) and I really sat and thought about it.

During Summer 2019, I went down to just one marketing client while I figured things out…I had just gotten out of a serious relationship, where in that relationship I was questioning entrepreneurship in its entirety. My then-boyfriend was afraid of the “instability” that can come when you work for yourself, and honestly, it was getting to me - 

I started looking at 9-5 job descriptions because I thought that would be “better” for the relationship.

Looking back I am just shaking my damn head at how I almost settled for a career path I didn’t even want, just to think that would help my relationship…isn’t it funny how being in the wrong relationship can cloud our judgment sometimes?

Right after the breakup, I went to Spain, Morocco, and Portugal - a dream trip I had been wanting to do for ages! - and decided to focus on the one marketing client, study for my group fitness instructor certification test, and do just one travel blog collaboration so I could really enjoy being in these amazing countries.

What happened after that trip was a whirlwind - dare I say a “quantum leap.”

One month after deciding to go down to one client and “figure it out,” I passed my fitness instructor certification, 10x-ed my marketing client revenue, and joined a 3-month mastermind for online, service-based entrepreneurs.

Something “clicked” when I got back from Europe. I knew the potential I had to offer organic social media marketing services to businesses.

However, before, I was afraid if I went fully “in” with my marketing client work, I wouldn’t be able to put any attention on my travel blog or online programs.

I was comfortable with the balance I had between my marketing client work and travel blog.

Tulum, Mexico - Two Important Shifts That Grew My Business This Year - Ally Archer

Being comfortable keeps you stagnant. You have to stretch your comfort zone to grow.

And since getting outside your comfort zone is something that has been a key point to everything I’ve written about on my blog for the past several years, I knew that staying in that comfort zone would hold me back from the income and the impact I wanted to create.

So last year when it “clicked” that I could put a LOT more effort into the marketing side of my business, AND that meant not giving up my travel blog, but actually being able to serve MORE people based on my learnings from growing an online, location-independent business, my client load and revenue grew.

Things continued to pick up in March 2020, when a global pandemic and shutdowns across the world required businesses to figure out how to utilize social media or pivot their businesses online.

I had never felt so “safe” and “secure” as an online business owner, because I knew I was able to provide the marketing services that could help businesses not just survive, but grow, during these weird times.

I hired a part-time contractor to help me, and then another.

My business grew.

I created onboarding systems and client processes so I could replicate my services to more businesses (Pinterest + Social Media; Email Marketing; Lead-generation and landing page designs).

My business grew.

I had a couple of amazing clients refer me to more amazing clients.

My business grew even more.

After months of what felt like a blur throughout 2020 - being in business mode, not traveling (not “breaking the routine” as I say), I lifted my head up from the chaos and made the choice to book a trip to Tulum.

Tulum, Mexico - Two Important Shifts That Grew My Business This Year - Ally Archer

I needed a change of scenery - a break in my routine - something to relieve the burnout that had crept in and revive my creative energy.

While I had traveled while running my online business previously, I hadn’t traveled while working with 10 high-level clients and a small team back in the US.

I’ll admit it: I was a little nervous. But I pushed past the fear, leaned into the discomfort, and was able to keep up with everything.

I went to Tulum, NOT as a blogger doing partnerships, and NOT working for a travel company as a facilitator or coordinator, but as a regular person on vacation.

Well, on semi-vacation, because I had to do at least an hour of work every day. ;)

It was refreshing.

Tulum, Mexico - Two Important Shifts That Grew My Business This Year - Ally Archer

I met a ton of people there, mostly go-getters who have their own businesses as well. It felt like being in Bali or somewhere a lot of digital nomad type people hang out. I loved it.

And one of the people I met in Tulum contacted me to help her business with email marketing.

So not only did traveling to Tulum serve as the breath of fresh air I desperately craved…

And not only did my business stay afloat…

My business actually GREW because of it…

And I have more content to create for my travel blog, both on the destination side AND the work + travel side…

…which are all part of my reality because of the choices I made a year ago:


A mindset switch flipped in my brain to embody the attitude of a confident marketing entrepreneur whose personal brand is in the travel space.

This led me to attending events, building my network, and attracting opportunities where I stretched myself.


A strategic switch to focus on stacking my recurring services to build my MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue).

Previously, I’d have a baseline MRR to cover my bills and I would try to source higher-paying projects every 1-2 months. Guys, it’s all about the MRR!

Tulum, Mexico - Two Important Shifts That Grew My Business This Year - Ally Archer

The choices I made a year ago have created more than I could have ever imagined:

  • The experience I’ve gained by working with even more clients and a diverse range of people.

  • Working on giving premium quality service to my clients to maximize their results so they can create a bigger impact with their products or services (and also maximize my potential for referrals).

  • Thanking God for logging the systems I created in my business so I don’t lose my mind, haha!

  • Appreciation for my (growing!) team that supports the vision for my business and the clients we support.

A lot can happen in a year.

Small steps and decisions you make over time have a bigger impact than you think.

Every step adds up.

When you look back to this date a year from now, you’ll be grateful for those times you stretched your comfort zone, made a commitment to yourself, and went after what you wanted.

Take a step today. And take one tomorrow, too.

Keep taking these small steps. Check in with me next year so we can celebrate how far you’ve come.

Never settle.
