How to Do a New Year's Reflection In Only 5 Minutes

How to Do a New Year's Reflection In Only 5 Minutes (Soothi Review)

How To do a New Year's Reflection in Only Five Minutes - Soothi Journal Review - | five-minute-new-years-reflection

I love a good reason to reflect, and if you're looking for a quick and easy way to check in with yourself for the new year, I have a great 5-minute formula for you!

While this is a nice way to do a quick reflection before the New Year, I also encourage you to do further journaling (my favorite yearly check-in formula is great if you have 30-60 minutes or so).

Before we get to the five-minute New Year's reflection exercise, it's important that you look at what you're journaling with.

The Benefits of Doing your New Year's Reflection on Paper

How To do a New Year's Reflection in Only Five Minutes - Soothi Journal Review -

Instead of answering the reflection questions/ratings in your head or in the Notes app on your phone, write these down on physical paper.

Studies show that writing helps you learn more effectively and maintain accountability on your goals versus typing (or taking "mental notes" that you'll likely forget in five minutes).

Keeping your physical journals is a great way to reflect on other parts of the year.

I like to keep my journals on my desk like this (yes, I have a LOT, and yes, most of them are full of notes!):

How To do a New Year's Reflection in Only Five Minutes - Soothi Journal Review -

Soothi recently sent me one of their "C'est La Vie" journal to try out, and I really like it!

One, their brand is very in tune with travel and wanderlust, and two, this is a quality journal that is still lightweight (perfect to stow in your carry-on bag when traveling).

How To do a New Year's Reflection in Only Five Minutes - Soothi Journal Review -
How To do a New Year's Reflection in Only Five Minutes - Soothi Journal Review -
How To do a New Year's Reflection in Only Five Minutes - Soothi Journal Review -

Five-minute New Year's Reflection

Need a quick system to reflect on the new year?

Try rating your life categories on a scale of 1-10. (This is a piece of the long-form yearly reflection I like to do that was inspired by Cosmo Magazine)!

On a scale of 1-10, one being "needs a lot of improvement," and 10 being "almost perfect, wonderful, amazing," rank the following for your life:

  • Lifestyle

  • Career

  • Finances

  • Health

  • Relationships

  • Love

  • Growth

  • Fun

How To do a New Year's Reflection in Only Five Minutes - Soothi Journal Review -

There you have it!

Rating these categories of your life as you feel they are right now gives you a nice snapshot of what is absolutely AMAZING and what needs improvement.

Look at which areas you are looking to move closer to "10" and pick one to focus on over the first few months of 2018.

And most importantly, look back on this year with gratitude for all the experiences - both good and bad - it gave you.

Cheers to a new year!

More ways to use journaling in 2018:

  • Travel journal (read more about why I recommend travel journaling here)

  • Vision book - glue clippings from magazines whenever you feel inspired, and look back at the end of the year to see what and who inspired you to be the person you became

  • Daily gratitude journal - write down 3 things every morning that you are grateful for

  • Weekly list of what went well this week and what could use improvement

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Soothi sent me a product in exchange for a review, however, opinions as always are my own! :)