
What You Think is Holding You Back vs. What is Actually Holding You Back as a Digital Business Owner

What You Think is Holding You Back vs. What is Actually Holding You Back as a Digital Business Owner

I've worked with many early-stage freelancers and digital entrepreneurs, and have uncovered some major mindset shifts on what they think is holding them back versus what is actually holding them back. Here are 3 things you think are holding you back, and what is probably actually holding you back instead (with solutions)!

Energy Management vs. Time Management

Energy Management vs. Time Management

I've talked about self-awareness around optimizing your day for your best energy for years, because it can make such a difference in your life, especially if you are a digital entrepreneur (or side hustling outside a 9-5).​ Being productive and efficient is important when it comes to time management, but also having self-awareness around your energy will significantly help you be more productive because you are working with your body and not against it.

7 Reasons To Run an Online Business While Traveling

7 Reasons To Run an Online Business While Traveling

Running an online business while traveling is a very practical way to earn a living that allows you enough time (and money!) to see the world. If you want to make money online - without sacrificing your passion for traveling as often as you want to - here are seven reasons to start an online business: