Online Work/Digital Nomad

7 Reasons To Run an Online Business While Traveling

7 Reasons To Run an Online Business While Traveling

Running an online business while traveling is a very practical way to earn a living that allows you enough time (and money!) to see the world. If you want to make money online - without sacrificing your passion for traveling as often as you want to - here are seven reasons to start an online business:

2020 Annual Year In Review: Go Seek Explore

2020 Annual Year In Review: Go Seek Explore

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room…a 2020 “travel year in review” is going to be vastly different than any previous year, simply due to the travel restrictions and overall craziness of 2020. However, some travel and online business growth happened! In this article, I recap 2020, share my business growth, and go over my travel plans for 2021.

How To Use Your Intuition For Work + Travel Opportunities

How To Use Your Intuition For Work + Travel Opportunities

A few summers ago I was scrolling on Facebook and saw a post about a job opportunity to work + travel through the entire continent of South America. It was for an Academic Coordinator role at a soon-to-launch study abroad company.

I immediately knew I was meant to see that post. I knew that job was meant for me.

It was the same feeling I got when I applied to work in Italy years ago, kind of like anticipation mixed with nerves and excitement…