Social Media Tips for New Entrepreneurs

Social Media Tips for New Entrepreneurs: Interview

Social Media Tips for New Entrepreneurs - Idea to Income with Rick Vazza -

As you may know, I’ve been supporting my location-independent work + travel lifestyle for the past 3.5+ years by offering online marketing services as a freelancer.

This has not only freed up my location, but I get to do creative, purposeful work helping businesses around the globe.

Recently I had the pleasure of sitting down with Rick Vazza, who created this series called Idea to Income.

The aim is to help new entrepreneurs navigate the many pieces of starting a business by speaking with experts in different areas to get their best tips.

I was honored to be asked to give social media marketing tips for new business owners!

In this interview, we cover:

  1. Developing your client avatar

  2. Choosing your initial platform 

  3. The importance of email marketing

  4. How to go from stranger to trusted expert 

For those of you who are running your own online business - or, like me, offer marketing services for other businesses as a freelancer - make sure to watch the recorded interview and read through the notes on Rick’s site.

Rick is also a Financial Advisor and has helpful courses and a membership site on personal finance and finances for business owners, so any of his content is sure to be helpful!

You can learn more about Rick at

Social Media Tips for New Entrepreneurs - Idea to Income with Rick Vazza - #socialmedia #socialmediatips #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #marketing #marketingtips #onlinemarketing #linkedin #emailmarketing