5 Essential Steps To Launching a Work-From-Anywhere Business

5 Essential Steps To Launching a Work-From-Anywhere Business

5 Essential Steps To Launching a Work-From-Anywhere Business - goseekexplore.com

Want to make THIS year the one you launch or grow your work-from-anywhere business so it supports your work + travel lifestyle?

Here are five essential steps that can support you in making it happen:

1. Set an intention that this is the year you will make it happen.

5 Essential Steps To Launching a Work-From-Anywhere Business - goseekexplore.com

Whether it’s getting started or hitting a specific revenue or lifestyle goal, wake up every day with a positive mindset that fuels your goal.

Trust it. Believe it. Know it will happen.

Taking action from THIS energy is much stronger than taking action from a doubtful place.

2. Choose what services you want to offer for your work-from-anywhere business.

5 Essential Steps To Launching a Work-From-Anywhere Business - goseekexplore.com

Offering online freelance or coaching services is my TOP recommendation, especially if you’re getting started, because you don’t have to reinvent the wheel or validate a brand new product in the market or build a giant audience to sell to.

You only need a handful of recurring (month-to-month) clients to replace a traditional paycheck!

3. Write out exactly what your main one or two signature services includes.

5 Essential Steps To Launching a Work-From-Anywhere Business - goseekexplore.com

Get clear on what you’re doing, what type of clients you want to serve, and how your offer is transformational & helpful for their business and/or life.

4. Get over any fear or notions that selling is “sleazy” (it’s not if you don’t act sleazy)!

5 Essential Steps To Launching a Work-From-Anywhere Business - goseekexplore.com

Selling what you believe in is valuable and NOT telling people who could find tremendous value from working with you about your services is doing them a disservice.

5. Focus on building your client base FIRST before anything else.

To do this, you have to push past the uncomfortable piece of putting yourself out there. However, the uncomfortable will eventually become comfortable and familiar.

Don’t give up!

5 Essential Steps To Launching a Work-From-Anywhere Business - goseekexplore.com

I have a bunch of free resources on getting started and growing your work-from-anywhere business! I recommend starting with my free guide, 33 Ways To Make Money Online While Traveling.

While I started my work + travel lifestyle years ago with traditional jobs working abroad for other companies, in this day and age (I’m referring to it being after the year 2020), an online business where you are self-employed is the most financially secure way to go about things, in my opinion.

Plus, you are able to call your own shots and travel as much (or as little) as you’d like!

Even if you already have an online business, that guide will help you expand the opportunities that you might not have already thought of in terms of creating sustainable, recurring online income. Check it out!

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5 Essential Steps To Launching a Work-From-Anywhere Business - goseekexplore.com
5 Essential Steps To Launching a Work-From-Anywhere Business - goseekexplore.com
5 Essential Steps To Launching a Work-From-Anywhere Business - goseekexplore.com