How To Create an Online Quiz to Get More Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]

How To Create an Online Quiz to Get More Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]

How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial] //

Looking for a fun, unique way to get leads for your blog or business? 

Try an online quiz!

Why Create a Quiz for your Blog or Business?

Well-known personalities like Tony Robbins and Lewis Howes have lead-gen quizzes on their websites, as well as both online and offline businesses like NBC, Amazon, and Forbes.

And you can create a quiz just for fun (think BuzzFeed), or you can set up an optional lead capture when the user is done taking the quiz.

By "lead capture," I mean asking the user if they would like to submit their email address in exchange for something (ex: newsletter signup, a free download, etc.).

If you're a blogger or business owner, you probably already know that it's VERY important to not only HAVE an email list, but find different ways to BUILD your email list.

This brief tutorial will go over how to set up your online quiz in less than an hour with a tool called Interact.

Interact is the tool I use for my site's quiz, and it is the one that created the quizzes for the above-mentioned personalities and businesses.

Take the quiz I made with Interact here! >>>

It's very user-friendly and made the entire process easy to set up (as well as integrate with my email provider).

My Interact Quiz for Go Seek Explore

The quiz I use for my site is called, "Which Work + Travel Opportunity is Right For You?"

My blog's niche is on creating a work + travel lifestyle, so coming up with a quiz topic was a no-brainer.

I already have a free guide that I use as my site's lead magnet, which goes over the 3 simple ways to make money while you travel.

At the end of my quiz, users have the option to enter the email to get the free guide + series, or simply skip to see their result.

When coming up with a quiz topic, think of your most popular blog posts or what you go over in your current lead magnet. You probably already have a topic or outline you can use for your quiz!

If you run an ecommerce site or other business where you sell products, you could do a quiz that leads people to different products/collections based on their personality and offer a coupon code in exchange for their email address.

Quiz Dashboard

Once you've set up your account, you will see your dashboard and all of your quizzes (as of now, I only have the one quiz):

How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]

On the dashboard you will find different ways to share and embed your quiz (popup, share link, Facebook ad), as well as analytics (number of quiz starts, finishes, leads, etc.).

Creating your Quiz

First, start a new quiz by clicking the "Create New Quiz" button and select the type you want to do (note: I did a "personality" quiz).

How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]
How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]

The first thing you'll do is type in your title, description, and add a cover image.

This is very easy - the entire platform is "what-you-see-is-what-you-get," so there is no need to use code/HTML for setup.

You can click "Styles" to customize the fonts, colors, etc.

Creating your Quiz: Questions

Next, you can add your quiz questions.

My quiz is pretty short (four questions) because that's all the information I really needed to get my reader from start to finish.

Interact recommends around 6-10 questions or so to make it enjoyable but not too long where people get bored.

You can choose to have each question be text-only, have one image, or have an image for each answer:

How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]
How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]

Creating your Quiz: Results

Next is to create the results.

You may want to do this before writing the questions as to know how to streamline your questions, but it's up to you.

The setup on the results looks the same as the questions section, though it is in its own tab on the panel to the left.

Connecting the Answers with the Results

It's very important that you connect certain answers with certain results!

This will tell Interact which result correlates to which answer the user selected.

Simply go back to each question and click the "Edit Result Correlations" button on the top-right for each individual question.

How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]

From there you can match each answer to its ideal result:

How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]

Call to Action Option

Now this last step is optional, but if you're looking to use an online quiz to generate leads for your blog or business, you'll want to enable lead capture and data collection for your quiz so you can integrate it with your email provider.

This enables the "Enter your email to see your results!" page with the "See my results" option and "Skip this step" option.

How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]

You can find the toggle button on the upper-left of the quiz control panel:

How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]

First, you'll set up your opt-in form (what data you want to collect - ex: email address, name, etc.). I am only asking for the email address to keep things as simple as possible.

From there, integrate your email provider.

Interact allows you to choose your provider (Convertkit, Mailchimp, Aweber, etc.) and once you do it includes a link if you need a step-by-step tutorial to find the API key.

If this sounds confusing to you, don't worry - follow their integration tutorial and it'll be a snap!

I use Convertkit, so here is what my integration looked like after I entered my API Key:

How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]
How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]
How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]

From there, I knew that all of the users that chose to opt-in would do so to get my free guide + email series, which the same topic as the quiz.

You will want to ensure that whatever email or funnel people are directed to matches the topic of the quiz, or else it will be very confusing and pointless for the person to opt-in in the first place.

I will note that this is a great opportunity to segment your email list based on the results.

For me, all of mine go into the same "bucket" so I didn't segment them, but if you already segment your list or would like to do so - this is a great way to do so!

Lastly, make sure to test your integration so you know everything works properly!

How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]

Woo hoo! You're done and now it's time for people to take your quiz!

Share & Embed your Quiz

Once you're done with everything and have hit "publish," it's time to share it out!

Back on the dashboard, you'll see the Share & Embed button next to your quiz.

How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]

You have the option to embed the quiz on your website or in a blog post, be a popup, show as an announcement bar, create it as a Facebook ad, or simply share as a direct link or social media post.

How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]


Overall, I love how my quiz turned out!

It's clean, professional looking, and was very easy to make.

I enjoyed how user-friendly the Interact platform was and got my quiz up and running (and connected to my email platform!) within an hour.

If you'd like to create a quiz like this for your blog or business, I couldn't recommend Interact more.

Disclaimer: I did partner with Interact for this tutorial and links to their site are affiliate links.

However, know that I only recommend tools I actually use, enjoy, and would find helpful to others!

I have honestly enjoyed how EASY their platform is to create a quiz and integrate it with my email provider, as well as their fast and reliable customer service.

Check out how clean the quiz looks on my blog post:

How To Create an Online Quiz to Generate Leads for Bloggers & Businesses [Tutorial]

If you found this helpful and used Interact to make your own quiz, please let me know! And feel free to reach out if you have any other questions!