Short-Term Travel Jobs

2017 Travel Year in Review + Travel and Blog Goals for 2018

2017 Travel Year in Review + Travel and Blog Goals for 2018

It's already halfway through January and I'm just now getting to my 2017 Travel Year in Review!

Between holiday travel and getting hit hard with the flu, I haven't had as much time or energy as I would have liked to focus on blog posts.

I'm excited to be back in the swing of things and recapping my past year of travel & goals for the new year!

Earn Money While Traveling: 4 Types of Tour Guiding Jobs

Earn Money While Traveling: 4 Types of Tour Guiding Jobs

When you're considering working a travel job abroad, being a tour guide can be one of the most attractive jobs in mind.

Traveling and showing people around and getting paid for it is pretty awesome, and in fact, that's exactly what I used to do.

What's cool about working abroad as a tour guide is that there are multiple types of tour guiding jobs you could get. This, of course, varies based on the types of tours the travel company offers.

4 Tips For Traveling While Working Full-Time + What Happened In 2016

4 Tips For Traveling While Working Full-Time + What Happened In 2016

We're nearing the end of 2016 and another year of travels in the books! Can you believe it?!

For a majority of 2016, I was working full-time, yet I still managed to get to five countries! One question I was often asked this year was how I traveled while working a full-time 8-5 job that only offered 10 days of paid vacation.

I thought I'd write out the top four things I did that allowed me to work + travel so much this year in hopes that there will be some takeaways for any of you wanting to travel around a restricted schedule.

7 Things I've Learned From 5+ Years of Travel

7 Things I've Learned From 5+ Years of Travel

How much can you learn after traveling to 18 countries over a span of five years?

It's hard to believe that it has been about 5 1/2 years since I traveled internationally for the first time, and my life has never been the same since.

I've gone through the years from saying YES to studying abroad in college in 2011, to where I am today having worked and traveled in 12+ countries, with some big lessons and takeaways from each year.

4 Steps To Take Now To Land a Travel Job

4 Steps To Take Now To Land a Travel Job

Finding a job that allows you to travel often can be tough, though it is doable, and you can start taking steps now if your goal is to land a travel job.

Especially when you realize that your average corporate setting allows maybe 10 paid vacation days per year and that you're working 50 out of 52 weeks...then you definitely need to get creative with traveling when you have a full-time job!

This post is for those who are looking to create a work + travel lifestyle by working for a company/organization and want to be traveling for at least six months or so.