
5 Mindset Shifts That Took Me From Wanderluster To Traveler & Digital Nomad

5 Mindset Shifts That Took Me From Wanderluster To Traveler & Digital Nomad

If thoughts become things, if what you choose to focus on is your reality, and if positivity is a state of mind, then it only makes sense to look at your mindset.

Of the 26 countries I've traveled to, I visited 22 of those because I worked abroad while doing so.

After traveling internationally for several years and moving to my dream city in California while building my career, here are 5 mindset shifts I had that took me from wanderluster to traveler and digital nomad:

"Forget all the reasons it won't work and believe the one reason why it will" - 4 Reasons why you may be getting in your own way

"Forget all the reasons it won't work and believe the one reason why it will" - 4 Reasons why you may be getting in your own way

Struggling to accomplish your goals? Feel like you're getting in your own way?

If you're looking for a subtle kick in the butt to get you moving, or even understand why you're struggling to achieve your goals at this moment, look no further.

For those of you tired of making excuse after excuse, here are four reasons why you may be getting in your own way and preventing yourself from moving toward your goals.

Here's why some people do this:

How to Do a New Year's Reflection In Only 5 Minutes

How to Do a New Year's Reflection In Only 5 Minutes

I love a good reason to reflect, and if you're looking for a quick and easy way to check in with yourself for the new year, I have a great 5-minute formula for you!

While this is a nice way to do a quick reflection before the New Year, I also encourage you to do further journaling (my favorite yearly check-in formula is great if you have 30-60 minutes or so).

11 Tips For Living Your Best Life

11 Tips For Living Your Best Life

It Was My Birthday (Lessons From a 20-Something Travel Girl)

I celebrated my 26th birthday (?!?!) a few days ago, and while I'm still technically young (though the age 26 makes me feel old AF), I've picked up a few things along these past few years that I feel contribute to living a positive, fulfilled life whether I am at home or traveling and I hope you find them helpful too.

When you're your best self, you're in a positive state which contributes to living your best life.

You're more well-rested. Healthier. Happier. You're more likely to prioritize your goals and get things done!

Here are 12 tips I have for anything related from self-development, to positivity, creativity, and travel: