
2 Years After Moving To California: 10 Lessons Learned

2 Years After Moving To California: 10 Lessons Learned

I honestly can’t believe it has been two YEARS since I quit my full-time job in Arizona to move to Southern California so I could live in my dream location, work online, and travel.

I packed up my life in Arizona and drove out west to the coast on October 12, 2016, with a new place to live and hardly what I’d call “a plan.”

The Easiest Way To Use a Morning Routine To Get Ahead of Your Busy Days (And How To Stick To It)

Ever have days (weeks, months) that slip by and you feel like you didn't do anything for yourself?

The hamster wheel keeps turning and your life is trucking along smoothly, feels like you're just simply getting through your work/errands/commitments? Like you're not fully living?

Enter: a quick and efficient morning routine

Before you call me crazy from telling you to add yet another thing to you daily to-do list, let me explain. :)